Help Save the Internet!
Warning! The internet as we know it is at risk! There is need for the protection of net neutrality under the law, that is, “the idea that broadband operators shouldn't be allowed to block or degrade Internet content and services--or charge content providers an extra fee for speedier delivery or more favourable placement” (Broache).
In order to understand the severity of what net neutrality could mean to our way of life, is to look at the impact that the current free use of the internet has on us.
How integrated is the internet in our lives? Well according to a study done in 2009 titled, "Consumer Behaviour Online: A 2009 Deep Dive," shows that overall time spent on the Internet has remained at 12 hours per week (Dara). Twelve hours a week is a significant amount of time to be spending on the internet.
During these hours spent on the internet, we are currently enabled to use all websites on an equal level playing field with every other internet user in spite of their wealth or status. However, if net neutrality is not protected, corporations that act as internet service providers will be able to act as a gatekeeper of the internet.
The freedom of the internet is important for the blooming of culture. Already, restrictions such as copyright have become a culture lock, a way to prevent the average citizen from building upon past works to create something new and inspiring.
Being allowed to play gatekeeper would mean that companies such as Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, and Time Warner Cable could potentially control what you do online. As US President Barrack Obama has stated, “... I think [internet gatekeepers] destroys one of the best things about the Internet--which is that there is this incredible equality there" (Broache). This equality would disappear without protected net neutrality, with those corporations using their ownership over connection devices to do things such as being free to charge access fees for internet sites or for faster services. They would also be able to control what sites you browse on the internet by leading you to specific websites they own shares in and by making competing websites unbearably slow to load. The same could occur with bandwidth, by controlling your downloading capacity with threats of cutting off connection or slowing down your internet browser considerably.
If these types of control from corporations began to happen in our material lives, charging and restricting our actions within our community and at large, there would be uproar. However, there is law in place to prevent that from happening. If we currently have free access to our internet, then how come our digital life is not similarly protected? The rights to freedom of internet use should be no different, especially as society has been transitioned from an industrial age; to an increasingly more information based society that stems from connection to the digital world of internet access. We would be taking a step back in progress, moving from a rewrite culture to a read only culture locked down and controlled by major industries.
Are you ready to let this big part of your life become restricted and manipulated? In order to prevent this, get involved with your Government, and make your voice heard. Protect worldwide equality from falling into the hands of corporate control, contact your government today, or visit: http://www.savetheinternet.com/

Work Cited

Work Cited
Broache, Anne. "Obama pledges Net neutrality laws if elected president: News Blog - CNET News." Technology News- CNET News. Web.
ReplyDeleteYour blogs are so interesting to read. They inform me of so many things that are going on that i did not know of. I love reading them, can't wait for more!
-- katie
The freedom experienced on the internet should not be comprimised. Great blog!